Conceived by renowned Danish designer Kai Kristiansen, the Uni Master has undergone meticulous evolution since its predecessor, the Uni Senior (4110), was reintroduced with enhancements.Crafted with sophistication in mind, the Uni Master boasts exquisite armrests that seamlessly blend into its overall aesthetic, offering a level of comfort that is truly outstanding. The Uni Master lives up to its title as a masterpiece, reflecting the collaborative efforts of Miyazaki in carefully considering every aspect of the chair, speaking volumes about dedication to quality and attention to detail.With its versatile design, the Uni Master effortlessly integrates into various interiors, adding a touch of elegance to any space. The wide and almost flat arms provide a convenient resting place for elbows, while the spacious seat invites relaxation, making it perfect for post-dinner unwinding.Embodying the essence of comfort and refinement, the Uni Master is a true masterpiece. From its sleek lines to its plush cushioning, every element has been meticulously crafted to provide an indulgent seating experience. Since 2023, the Uni Master has also been manufactured with papercord upholstery, which wraps around the seat area unlike traditional upholstery options such as leather or fabric, where the upholstery lies within the seat area.
Conceived by renowned Danish designer Kai Kristiansen, the Uni Master has undergone meticulous evolution since its predecessor, the Uni Senior (4110), was reintroduced with enhancements.Crafted with sophistication in mind, the Uni Master boasts exquisite armrests that seamlessly blend into its overall aesthetic, offering a level of comfort that is truly outstanding. The Uni Master lives up to its title as a masterpiece, reflecting the collaborative efforts of Miyazaki in carefully considering every aspect of the chair, speaking volumes about dedication to quality and attention to detail.With its versatile design, the Uni Master effortlessly integrates into various interiors, adding a touch of elegance to any space. The wide and almost flat arms provide a convenient resting place for elbows, while the spacious seat invites relaxation, making it perfect for post-dinner unwinding.Embodying the essence of comfort and refinement, the Uni Master is a true masterpiece. From its sleek lines to its plush cushioning, every element has been meticulously crafted to provide an indulgent seating experience. Since 2023, the Uni Master has also been manufactured with papercord upholstery, which wraps around the seat area unlike traditional upholstery options such as leather or fabric, where the upholstery lies within the seat area.